March to the beat of the holiday season during Madisonville’s annual Christmas Parade, 5:00 p.m. Saturday, December 6. This year’s theme is “Christmas Traditions.”
What better way to get into the Christmas spirit than a twilight celebration in downtown Madisonville? White Christmas lights will illuminate the streets as floats and decorated vehicles make their way along North and South Main.
Enjoy music by local high school marching bands and the dazzling displays of seasonal cheer presented by local organizations, businesses, and others. Kids will love to see the fire trucks, tractors, antique cars, clowns, and horses as they pass by.
Last but not least in the parade lineup will be the big guy himself … Santa Claus! The jolly old elf’s arrival is the highlight of the parade and a thrill for children of all ages. This year marks the return of the Santa House.
This annual event is coordinated by Madisonville Noon Kiwanis. For an entry form with details about entering a float or decorated vehicle in the parade, stop by the Chamber of Commerce at 15 E. Center St.